
Domain Name

E-mail addresses with this domain will be considered local.

Server Name

The name of the mail server account. Based on this name, messages received from the internal mail server can be detected using the Account Filter in processing rules.

Allow Connection From

The list of network addresses access to the server is allowed from. All the allowed groups of network IP addresses are to be separated by a comma, use of address wildcards is possible.

Listen on Address

The mail server will receive queries from the selected network interface.

Listen on Port

Number of the port queries to which the mail server will come.


Timeout of waiting client command.

Enable at startup

Check this box to allow run the internal mail server when AEP start.

Process All Incoming Messages

Check this box if you want the server to process all incoming messages. Otherwise, messages belonging to a domain other than specified in the Domain Name field won't be received.

Detailed Log

Check this box if you want the SMTP server to write detailed information about the actions it performs to the log file.


The internal SMTP server doesn't receive any messages while a processing session is in progress. Message sending from processing components (e.g., SMTP Sender or Message Sender), scripts, or external applications is not possible.

See also

SMTP Sender

Message Sender

SMS Sender

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