
Used to modify a text source with simple operations. It fulfills deletion of spaces and empty lines, changing register of characters.


Set a text source to be modified.

Modifier Actions

Enables actions which will be to the text source. The following actions are possible:

Remove Left Spaces

Deletion of spaces from the begin of the text source.

Remove Right Spaces

Deletion of spaces from the end of the source.

Remove Duplicate Spaces

Replacement of repeated spaces by one space.

Remove All Empty Lines

Delete all empty lines in the source.

Remove Leading Empty Lines

Delete all empty lines in the beginning of the source.

Remove Two or More Empty Lines

Delete all lines except the first one in a block of empty lines.

Remove Trailing Empty Lines

Delete all empty lines in the end of the source.

Remove New Line Characters

Delete all new line characters in the source.

Convert to Lowercase

Converting all letters from the text source to lowercase.

Convert to Uppercase

Converting all letters from the text source to uppercase.

Capitalize Words

Capitalizing first letter of all words from the text source.

See also


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