Server address
The address of your POP3 server where the account's mailbox is located.
Login Name
The POP3 user name for access to your mailbox on the server.
The password for logging onto the POP3 server.
Set mail server port number. For POP3, this number usually is 110 or 995 for TLS connection.
Regular - Standard POP3 plain text communication protocol
Secure to regular port (STARTTLS) - STARTTLS is an extension to plain text communication protocols, which offers a way to upgrade a plain text connection to an encrypted (TLS) connection instead of using a separate port for encrypted communication.
Secure to dedicated port (TLS) - Encrypted communication for POP3 to the server using Transport Layer Security (TLS).
Timeout in sec.
Set the waiting time for a mail server response. When this time is over, your computer stops attempting to receive mail.
Test Login
Checks the settings attempting to connect to the server.
See also