
Used to extract data from text containing certain delimiters. Such as text in CSV format for example.


Set text source, which is used to parse data from every iteration.

Split text by

Set delimiters to separate text

Match Case

Enables case-sensitive search of the string beginning.

Skip first result

Ignore first extracted token

Skip last result

Ignore last extracted token

Use Regular Expressions

Enables regular expressions usage for search of the string beginning.

Include Defined Text into Result

Enables addition of defined text to the beginning of the string parsed.

Continue Until

Set condition for end of iteration. The following operation modes are possible:

End of Text - The iteration ends when a end of text is reached.

Result variable is empty - The iteration ends when token placed to Result variable is empty.

Iteration variable greater than - The iteration ends when the number of cycles exceeds the specified value.

In Result

Trim whitespaces

Remove white space characters (space, tab) from the beginning and end of extracted token.

Trim new line characters

Remove new line characters (Carrage Return and Line Feed) from the beginning and end of extracted token.

Ignore empty results. continue next iteration

Perceive empty token as a significant.

Result Variable

Set name of the variable data to be parsed in.

Iteration Variable

Set variable name iteration number to be placed in.

See also


Iterator Break

Iterator Continue

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