Message Actor

Allows controlling message position in account folders and changing its marks while its processing is in progress.

Below is the view of the actor window followed by the description of its parameters.


Select Account

This is the list of accounts.


The list of actor actions. The following actions are possible:

Move Message

message is moved to specified folder

Copy Message

message is copied to specified folder

Delete Message

message is removed

Mark as Read

message is marked as read

Mark as Unread

message is marked as unread

Mark as Deleted

message is marked as "deleted"

Unmark as Deleted

the "deleted" mark is removed from a message

Mark as Hidden

message is marked as "hidden"

Unmark as Hidden

the "hidden" mark is removed from a message

Mark as Highlighted

message is marked as "highlighted"

Unmark as Highlighted

the "highlighted" mark is removed from a message

Mark as Tagged

put a special client-defined mark on a message

Unmark as Tagged

remove a special mark from a message

Select Folder

Specify the folder a message is to be copied/moved to. To select a folder from the list of available folders, click the "Select..." button.


This Actor now working only with MAPI account type

This Actor will be only activated in "Realtime Processing" mode.

See also

Accounts Window

MAPI Account